Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Consumer Price Index - April 2006
The Consumer Price Index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
Publication cover
Monthly Statistical Bulletin - March 2006
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Lisboa Region - 2004
The thematic structure of this year¿s issue of the Statistical Yearbook of Lisboa was reorganised, comprising now 25 sub-chapters grouped into four major chapters - Territory, People, Economic ...
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Consumer Price Index - March 2006
The Consumer Price Index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Integrated Business Accounts System - 2002 - 2003
This publication concerns the Integrated Business Accounts System (SCIE) for the period 2002-2003, and corresponds to the 8th exercise of the Accounts System. The main findings, as it happened in the ...
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Demographic Studies Review - Nº 38
Articles on this edition: · The Female Population and familiar transitions through out the Demography · Eastern European Immigrants in Portugal · Portuguese emigration ...
REVSTAT - Statistical Journal - March 2006
The aim of REVSTAT- Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in ...
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Consumer Price Index - February 2006
The Consumer Price Index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Commercial establishments - 2004
This publication presents the main findings of the Trade Establishments Survey – Large-sized Commercial Units for the year 2004. The “Trade Establishments Survey” started in 1993, ...
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