Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Estabelecimentos comerciais - 2004
This publication presents the main findings of the Trade Establishments Survey – Large-sized Commercial Units for the year 2004. The “Trade Establishments Survey” started in 1993, ...
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Health Statistics - 2005
Health statistics 2005 presents data on: health staff; health establishments: hospitals, health centers; pharmacies and medicins, physicians, vaccines, morbidity, mortality, infant mortality and ...
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Men and women in Portugal - 2006
The equality between men and women is a fundamental right. Gender mainstreaming is the strategy to achieve gender equality which requires the identification of the differences between men and women ...
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Consumer Price Index - January 2006
The Consumer Price Index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - 2005
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Industrial Production Statistics - 2004
This publication releases the main results of the Annual Industrial Production Survey, as regards produced products (in volume), sold products (in volume and value) and the provision of services, ...
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Consumer Price Index - December 2005
The consumer price index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Education Statistics - 2003 - 2004
The publication Education Statistics presents a picture of the education system in Portugal ranging the following aspects: – Enrolments / registration, 2nd cycle, level or type of education, ...
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Economic Accounts for Agriculture - 2005
The main purpose of this publication is the dissemination of the most recent macroeconomic data for the Economic Accounts for Agriculture, Base 2000. The structure of this publication presents ...
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