Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Cross-border area characterisation - Norte Region (Portugal)- Galicia (Spain) : 2005 - 2005
This publication releases for the first time an integrated characterisation of the areas corresponding to the three cross-border territorial cooperation communities set up within the scope of the ...
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Caracterização da área de fronteira - Norte de Portugal-Galiza : 2005 - 2005
This publication releases for the first time an integrated characterisation of the areas corresponding to the three cross-border territorial cooperation communities set up within the scope of the ...
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Consumer Price Index - June 2005
The consumer price index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Construction and housing statistics - 2004
This publication releases an extended set of indicators on construction and housing in Portugal, focusing on the estimates of the housing stock 1991-2004 and indicators for 2004 on building permits ...
Farm Structure survey - 2003
It includes data on agriculture holdings, land use, irrigation, livestock, agricultural machinery, population and farm labour, agriculture development, as well as the Portuguese agriculture in the ...
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REVSTAT - Statistical Journal - June 2005
The aim of REVSTAT- Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in ...
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Fishery Statistics - 2004
The purpose of this publication is to give the reader a picture of the Fisheries, as well as from some branches of National Economy related to this sector for the year 2004. It includes information ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - May 2005
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Consumer Price Index - May 2005
The consumer price index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Health Statistics - 2004
Health statistics 2004 presents data on: health staff; health establishments: hospitals, health centers; pharmacies and medicins, physicians, vaccines, morbidity, mortality, infant mortality and ...
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