Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Agricultural Statistics - 2003
This publication provides statistical information on Agriculture, Forestry and Food Industry, organised in 15 chapters. The first chapter presents an analysis on agricultural production and economy ...
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Fishery Statistics - 2003
This publication contains information on the fishing sector, as well as on some related sectors of the national economy, for 2003. It includes 38 tables with a variety of themes, such as the fish ...
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Consumer Price Index - June 2004
The consumer price index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Lisboa Region - 2003
The Yearbooks contain data on several subjects providing a comprehensive picture of the economic and social life in Portugal, at the national, regional and local level. It includes a wide range of ...
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Statistical Yearbook of Centro Region - 2003
The Yearbooks contain data on several subjects providing a comprehensive picture of the economic and social life in Portugal, at the national, regional and local level. It includes a wide range of ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Autonomous Region of Madeira - 2003
The Yearbooks contain data on several subjects providing a comprehensive picture of the economic and social life in Portugal, at the national, regional and local level. It includes a wide range of ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Autonomous Region of Azores - 2003
The Yearbooks contain data on several subjects providing a comprehensive picture of the economic and social life in Portugal, at the national, regional and local level. It includes a wide range of ...
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Statistical Yearbook of Alentejo Region - 2003
The Yearbooks contain data on several subjects providing a comprehensive picture of the economic and social life in Portugal, at the national, regional and local level. It includes a wide range of ...
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Demographic Studies Review - No. 35 - 1st Semi-annual 2004
Articles on this edition: · Children as the starting point - the country and the family: exploratory review · Lone-parent families · Brief sociography about reconstituted ...
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REVSTAT - Statistical Journal - June 2004
The aim of REVSTAT- Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in ...
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