Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Statistical Yearbook of Algarve Region - 2003
The Yearbooks contain data on several subjects providing a comprehensive picture of the economic and social life in Portugal, at the national, regional and local level. It includes a wide range of ...
Publication cover
Statistical Yearbook of Portugal - 2003
The Statistical Yearbook of Portugal is the principal reference work published by the National Statistical Institute (INE) and compiles a wide range of data on the various statistical subjects ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Norte Region - 2003
The Yearbooks contain data on several subjects providing a comprehensive picture of the economic and social life in Portugal, at the national, regional and local level. It includes a wide range of ...
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As cidades em nĂºmeros - 2000 - 2002
It shows information that allows for the characterisation of 141 Portuguese cities ¿ including the seven new ones established in 2003 ¿ through a set of indicators and variables broken ...
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Consumer Price Index - May 2004
The consumer price index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Consumer Price Index - April 2004
The consumer price index is an indicator for measuring statistically the price evolution of a set of goods and services considered as representative of the consumption structure within a specific ...
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Urban System: Hinterlands and Functional Marginalities
This review aims at representing the urban systems both in the continental territory, and in the Madeira Autonomous Region, by analysing both the urban centres hierarchy and the interactions ...
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30 Years of April 25 - a statistical portrait
This publication is part of the initiatives to mark the 30th anniversary of 25 April 1974. Responding to the challenge set by the Commemoration Commission for the 30 Years of the 25th of April, in ...
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Construction and housing statistics - 2002
This publication discloses statistics on building permits and completed buildings, estimates of the housing stock, the new housing construction cost index, the regular housing maintenance and repair ...
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