Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Agri-Industry Statistics - 1999 - 2001
This publication presents the main results of the Agro-Industry Production Annual survey (IAPI), to the period between 1999 and 2001. Also includes a short sector characterisation, referring some ...
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Integrated Business Accounts System - 1999 - 2000
The Integrated Business Accounts System results, now available, refers to the two years period 1999-2000 and correspond to the sixth exercise of the Accounts System, started on the references years ...
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Environment Statistics - 2001
In this publication, Statistics Portugal presents its main production of statistical data in the field of Environment Statistics. The publication generally maintains the same type of information as ...
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Social Protection Statistics - 2000
This publication aims to characterise the Portuguese Social Protection with the presentation of the 2000 data. The data published in the "Social Protection Statistics" follows up the same structure ...
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Agriculture Census - Results analysis - 1999
This publication is part of the dissemination program of RGA99. Analysis of the most important results is presented, including comparing with the previous census and the existing regional data. The ...
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Agro-Environmental Statistics ¿ Agricultural Practices on Orchard Fruit Trees 2002 - 2002
Provides a set of statistical data on the agri-environmental domain, namely on agri-environment measures and agricultural practices, including cultural practices related to orchards and ...
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Transport and communications statistics - 2001
The present publication provides a statistical overview of transport activity for 2001, namely of road, rail, sea and air transport. An analysis of main data, methodological notes, concepts and ...
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Monetary and Financial Statistics - 2001
The "Monetary and Financial Statistics 2001" provides — for Financial Intermediation, Section J of the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities (CAE-Rev.2.1), the Portuguese ...
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Profile of Main Commercial Stocks in Portugal : 1991-2003
The present publication, named "Profile of Main Commercial Stocks in Portugal", was carried out jointly by the Trade Observatory and the National Statistical Institute (INE). It aims at ...
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