Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Statistical Yearbook of Portugal - 2001
The Portuguese Statistical Yearbook aims to gather information on several fields that cover all INE’s statistical production areas. The 2001 Statistical yearbook of Portugal begins with the ...
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Integrated Business Accounts System - 1998 - 1999
The results from the Integrated Business Accounts System covers the years 1998-1999 and refers to the fourth financial year of the Accounts System, which has begun in the years 1994-1995. The data ...
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Study on the Local Purchasing Power - 2000
Statistics Portugal sets out the fourth edition of the Study on the Local Purchasing Power (SLPP). The SLPP contains a set of indicators which aim at characterising the purchasing power for all ...
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Tax Revenues Statistics - 1999
This CD-ROM, published in PDF format, presents statistical information concerning the Tax Revenues of 1999. It is organised in two sections: "General Context" and "Statistical ...
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Statistical Yearbook of Centro Region - 2001
It presents information on several themes constituting an essential tool for the portrait of economic and social life at a national, regional and local level. Data covers themes on demographic, ...
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Statistics of Services provided to Enterprises - 2000
The publication Statistics of Services provided to entreprises - 2000 is the result of the two specific surveys launched, until now, to the sectors "Computer and Related Activities" and ...
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Demographic Studies Review - No. 32
Articles on this edition: · Present and resident population by sex and age through the Censuses · Portugal Population Projections 2000- based – underlying assumptions · ...
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Census - Final results. Alentejo region - 2001
XIV Population census. IV Housing census The Population and Housing Censuses are the largest and exhaustive statistical operations a country undertakes. Its main purpose is to provide a complete ...
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Geographic Database - 1991
Geography of the statistical areas defined for Census 1991. Polygonal database with a maximum breakdown by statistical sub-section, from which the user may construct any other representation of a ...
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Demographic Statistics - 2001
This publication features key statistics on demographic events in Portugal: Present and resident population; General movements of resident population; General movements of population and main ...
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