Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


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Social Protection Statistics - 1999
This publication aims to characterise the Portuguese Social Protection with the presentation of the 1999 data. The data published in the "Social Protection Statistics" follows up the same ...
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Statistical Yearbook of Portugal - 2000
The 2000 Portuguese statistical yearbook gathers, in one complete volume, statistical information on social, demographic, environmental, industrial and economic matters. In order to facilitate ...
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livre - 2000
Statistical Yearbook of the Autonomous Region of Azores - 2000
The Yearbooks contain data on several subjects providing a comprehensive picture of the economic and social life in Portugal, at the national, regional and local level. It includes a wide range of ...
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Fertility survey - 1997
In a general way, the main goal of the FFS 1997 was to understand the new patterns of fertility and family formation in Portugal, enabling, among other things, the characterisation of the current ...
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Tourism Statistics - 2000
In this publication, INE provides the main statistics concerning the tourism activity in the year 2000, which are already available since May 31, 2001. Aiming at allowing users general data for the ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Norte Region - 2000
This issue of the Anuário Regional, 2000 (2000 Regional Yearbook) continues the strategy of dissemination of statistical information at regional and municipality level, in order to provide ...
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Economic and social indicators of Galiza and North of Portugal counties
This study supplies a set of tools that make it possible to obtain, for the first time, an objective comparison of the development process at the local level, from a transnational point of view, ...
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Enterprises in Portugal - 1999
The statistical information produced by the 1999 Annual Business Survey provides knowledge on the structure, activity, production factors used, and other financial and economics characteristics, as ...
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