Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Census - Preliminary results - 2001
Each publication comprises two sections: the first one concerns Portugal geographical level and contains national data, broken down by NUTS II; the second one refers to the geographic level of NUTS ...
Publication cover
Cross-Border Statistics Algarve/Andaluzia
he promotion of the economic and social development of cross-border regions has been highly discussed within the Portuguese and Spanish Governments, mainly after they both joined the European Union. ...
Publication cover
Cross-Border Statistics Algarve/Andaluzia
The promotion of the economic and social development of cross-border regions has been highly discussed within the Portuguese and Spanish Governments, mainly after they both joined the European Union. ...
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Census - 2001
XIV Population census. IV Housing census Each publication comprises two sections: the first one concerns Portugal geographical level and contains national data, broken down by NUTS II; the second one ...
Statistical Review - 2nd Four-month 2001
The Revista de Estatística (Statistical Journal), a publication which is markedly of a scientific nature, releases original articles on: Scientific research and analysis; Studies and analyses ...
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Industrial Production Statistics - 1999
With this publication, Statistics Portugal continues to release information on the national industrial production. This publication releases, in addition to information on produced products (in ...
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Census - Preliminary results. Centre region - 2001
Census - 2001
Census of Portuguese Population of 1801 and 1849
The National Statistical Institute (INE) released a review of 1801 and 1849 censuses, with annotations. The publication, divided into three volumes, contains four introductory texts describing the ...
Publication cover
Census - Preliminary results. Lisboa e Vale do Tejo region - 2001