Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Census - Preliminary results. Azores region - 2001
Statistical Yearbook of the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region - 2000
The eighth issue of the Anuário Estatístico Regional de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (Statistical Regional Yearbook of the Lisboa and Vale do Tejo Region), as a reference publication in the supply of ...
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Regional Studies Magazine - Region of Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - 1st Semi-annual 2001
The Revista de Estudos Regionais (Regional Studies Review), now in its second year of issue, is targeted at demonstrating the potential to exploit statistical information and to conduct an in-depth ...
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Statistical Review - 1st Four-month 2001
The Revista de Estatística (Statistical Journal), a publication which is markedly of a scientific nature, releases original articles on: Scientific research and analysis; Studies and analyses ...
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Monetary and Financial Statistics - 1999
The "Monetary and Financial Statistics 1999" provides — for Financial Intermediation, Section J of the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities (CAE-Rev.2.1), the Portuguese ...
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Statistical Yearbook of North of Portugal - Castilla and León - 1999
The Anuário Estatístico Norte de Portugal - Castilla y Léon 1999 (Statistical Yearbook North of Portugal - Castilla and Leon (Spain), 1999) releases a set of statistical ...
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Agriculture Census - Portugal - main results - 1999
This publication sets out a wide range of information of the Census of Agriculture 1999. Data is distributed by 38 estimates tables with a territorial breakdown by NUTS II levels and Agrarian Region. ...
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Transport and communications statistics - 1999
Statistics Portugal releases the main statistical results on business in the transport and communications sectors in 1999. There were some changes from the previous years, namely: Transport by road - ...
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