Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Social Indicators - 1999
As a follow-up to a publication intended to be released on an annual basis, Statistics Portugal presents the second edition of Indicadores Sociais (Social Indicators), first released in 1999. As in ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Autonomous Region of Madeira - 1999
The Yearbooks contain data on several subjects providing a comprehensive picture of the economic and social life in Portugal, at the national, regional and local level. It includes a wide range of ...
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International Trade Statistics - 1999
The current publication of the National Statistical Institute (INE) carries on the dissemination of statistical data on international trade, under the conditions established with the single market of ...
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Tourism Statistics - 1999
This publication provides the main statistics concerning the tourism activity during the year 1999. Aiming at allowing users general data for the characterisation of tourism evolution in the recent ...
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Advertising Services - 1999
The Advertising Services Survey - 1999 carries on the work began by INE, in 1998, with the Pilot Survey of Advertising Services ¿ 1997. This survey is part of a development program of the ...
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Changes and territorial patterns of Portugal : 1981-1991 - 2000
The 2001 Censuses of Population and Housing supply an extended set of representative information at various levels of geographic detail. The associated exhaustive nature allows for their intense use, ...
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Economic Accounts for Agriculture - 2000
In this publication, Statistics Portugal discloses for the first time national data of the Economic Accounts on Agriculture, Base 95, for the years 1995 to 1999, which results from the implementation ...
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Statistical Yearbook of the Norte Region - 1999
[available only in Portuguese language] ...
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