Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Tax Revenues Statistics - 1997
This publication presents statistical information on Tax Revenues concerning the year 1997. The present edition comprises two sections: General Context and Statistical Tables. General Context ...
Publication cover
Statistical Review - 2nd Four-month 2000
The Revista de Estatística (Statistical Journal), a publication which is markedly of a scientific nature, releases original articles on: scientific research and analysis; studies and analyses ...
Publication cover
Regional Studies Magazine - Region of Lisboa e Vale do Tejo - 2nd Semi-annual 2000
The Revista de Estudos Regionais (Regional Studies Review), now issued for the first time, demonstrates the potential to explore statistical data and conducts an in-depth analysis of current subjects ...
Publication cover
Statistical Yearbook of the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region - 1999
The Anuário Regional de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (Regional Yearbook of the Lisboa and Vale do Tejo Region), which is published since 1993, is already a reference publication in the supply of ...
Publication cover