Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Monthly Statistical Bulletin - January 2019
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Causes of death - 2017
The publication Causes of death - 2017 presents the statistical data regarding the mortality by causes of death in Portugal in 2017. The publication is organized in individual summaries including an ...
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Enterprises in Portugal - 2017
In the publication Enterprises in Portugal 2017 , Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical findings regarding the structure and evolution of the Portuguese non-financial business sector ...
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Área Metropolitana de Lisboa in figures - 2017
A pocket book (Portuguese/English) containing statistical data for each NUTS II region of mainland Portugal, organized in over twenty subchapters grouped in four areas: territory, people, economic ...
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Algarve Region in figures - 2017
A pocket book containing statistical data for each NUTS II region of mainland Portugal, organized in over twenty subchapters grouped in four areas: territory, people, economic activity and state. The ...
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Alentejo Region in figures - 2017
A pocket book (Portuguese/English) containing statistical data for each NUTS II region of mainland Portugal, organized in over twenty subchapters grouped in four areas: territory, people, economic ...
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Centro Region in figures - 2017
A pocket book containing statistical data for each NUTS II region of mainland Portugal, organized in over twenty subchapters grouped in four areas: territory, people, economic activity and state. The ...
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Norte Region in figures - 2017
A pocket book (Portuguese/English) containing statistical data for each NUTS II region of mainland Portugal, organized in over twenty subchapters grouped in four areas: territory, people, economic ...
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REVSTAT - Statistical Journal - January 2019
The aim of REVSTAT - Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in ...
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The European economy since the start of the millennium : a statistical portrait
Since the start of the millennium, the European economy has evolved and statistics can help to better perceive these structural changes. This digital publication The European economy since the start ...
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