Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Culture statistics - 2021
In the publication Culture statistics - 2021 is disclosed statistical information on the cultural and creative sector: education, employment, consumer price index on cultural goods and services, ...
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Census - 2021
Statistics Portugal disseminates the final results of the - Census 2021 - XVI Population Census. VI Housing Census - , conducted during the first semester of 2021. This edition presents an analysis ...
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Agriculture and Fishing - November 2022
The purpose of Agriculture and fishing is to give a monthly overview for the primary sector. Basic results and findings are presented through a wide range of data, tables and pictures that give to ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - October 2022
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Transport and communications statistics - 2021
In this publication Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical data regarding the activity of Transport and Communications sectors in 2021. Railway transport : data presented are the ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - September 2022
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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International Trade Statistics - 2021
This publication releases the definitive data of International Trade in Goods Statistics for 2021. Statistics on International trade in goods include Intra-EU trade statistics, based on data from the ...
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Agriculture and Fishing - October 2022
The purpose of Agriculture and fishing is to give a monthly overview for the primary sector. Basic results and findings are presented through a wide range of data, tables and pictures that give to ...
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Community Innovation Survey - 2020
The Directorate General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) and Statistics Portugal (INE) disseminate information on business innovation, based on data collected in the Community Innovation ...
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Sustainable Development Goals | 2030 Agenda - Indicators for Portugal. Infographics - 2015 - 2021
INE presents the available indicators for Portugal, arising from the global indicator framework adopted by the United Nations to monitor progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 ...
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