Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Use of water in agriculture - 2011
In the context of the Census of Agriculture 2009, Statistics Portugal organized the April 15, 2010, the seminar on the Use of Water , in close collaboration with the Institute of Agronomy. As a ...
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Agriculture Census - main results - 2009
The publication Census of Agriculture 2009 gives users a comprehensive picture of information, which summarizes the main trends in the structure of farms and agriculture production systems in the ...
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Territorial Portrait of Portugal - 2009
Favouring information disseminated by the Regional Statistical Yearbooks, this biennial publication presents a socioeconomic characterisation of the Portuguese territory. It is structured in three ...
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Territorial Portrait of Portugal - 2009
Favouring information disseminated by the Regional Statistical Yearbooks, this biennial publication presents a socioeconomic characterisation of the Portuguese territory. It is structured in three ...
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Territorial Portrait of Portugal - 2009
Favouring information disseminated by the Regional Statistical Yearbooks, this biennial publication presents a socioeconomic characterisation of the Portuguese territory. It is structured in three ...
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Monthly Statistical Bulletin - March 2011
The Monthly Statistical Bulletin contains the main monthly statistical data, both quarterly and semi-annual, organised into the following chapters: Quarterly national accounts; Population and social ...
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Agriculture and Fishing - April 2011
The purpose of Boletim mensal da agricultura e pescas is to give a monthly overview for the primary sector. Basic results and findings are presented through a wide range of data, tables and pictures ...
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Monthly Economic Survey - March 2011
The Economic Survey is a publication aimed at monitoring the economic environment. It is addressed at readers seeking reliable information on the growth trends of demand, output, income and prices. ...
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REVSTAT - Statistical Journal - March 2011
Special issue on Statistical Modelling: Challenges in Health The aim of REVSTAT - Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific ...
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Enterprises in Portugal - 2009
This publication presents the main findings of the Portuguese business sector for the reference year 2009, according to the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities, NACE Rev.2. To enable ...
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