Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
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Indicators Database table
  Indicators Reference period Date of update   Geographical Level(*)    
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Consult associated metadata Abstention rate in the elections to Municipalities (%) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2001); Irregular 2001 2013 12-12-2013   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of turnover in services - calendar and seasonal effects adjusted (Year-on-year growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly January 2006 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of hours worked in services - non adjusted (Annual average growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly December 2001 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of turnover in services - non adjusted (Year-on-year growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly January 2001 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of gross wages and salaries in services - non adjusted (Annual average growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly December 2001 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of employment in services - non adjusted (Annual average growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly December 2001 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of turnover in services - non adjusted (Annual average growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly December 2001 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of hours worked in services - non adjusted (Year-on-year growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly January 2001 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of gross wages and salaries in services - non adjusted (Month-on-month growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly February 2000 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of employment in services - non adjusted (Month-on-month growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly February 2000 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of turnover in services - non adjusted (Month-on-month growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly February 2000 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of hours worked in services - non adjusted (Month-on-month growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly February 2000 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of employment in services - non adjusted (Year-on-year growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly January 2001 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Index of gross wages and salaries in services - non adjusted (Year-on-year growth rate - Base 2005 - %) by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3); Monthly January 2001 October 2013 12-12-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Persons aged between 18 and 64 years old who participated in formal education activities (No.) by Sex and Knowledge of other languages beyond the mother tongue; Quinquennial 2007 2011 29-11-2013   Portugal   Login for subscription
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(*) Lower geographic detail level, or equivalent, for which data is available.