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Indicators Database table
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Consult associated metadata Private households (No.) in conventional dwellings of usual residence by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2011) and Size class of useful area per occupant; Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Resident population (No.) in conventional dwellings of usual residence by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2011) and Size class of useful area per occupant; Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Conventional dwellings of usual residence occupied by the owner (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2011), Rooms size class, Socioeconomic group of head of dwelling and Monthly charge size classe (purchase of living quarter); Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Private households (No.) in conventional dwellings rented of usual residence by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2011), Socioeconomic group of head of dwelling and Monthly rent size classe; Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Resident population (No.) in conventional dwellings rented of usual residence by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2011), Socioeconomic group of head of dwelling and Monthly rent size classe; Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Conventional dwellings rented of usual residence (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2011), Monthly rent size classe and Time period of construction; Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Conventional dwellings of usual residence (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2011) and Tenure status; Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Resident population with 15 and more years old with at least one difficulty (No.) by Place of residence (at the date of Census 2011), Sex, Age group (quinquennial) and Main source of livelihood; Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Resident population (No.) in conventional dwellings of usual residence occupied by the owner by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2011), Socioeconomic group of head of dwelling and Monthly charge size classe (purchase of living quarter); Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Resident population (Portuguese foreign-born - No.) by Place of residence (at the date of Census 2011), Sex, Age group and Birthplace (Country); Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Conventional dwellings of usual residence occupied by the owner (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2011), Size class of useful area, Socioeconomic group of head of dwelling and Monthly charge size classe (purchase of living quarter); Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Children (No.) in family nuclei by Place of residence (at the date of Census 2011) and Type of family nucleus (Based on activity status); Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Unemployed population (No.) by Place of residence (at the date of Census 2011), Sex, Age group and Main source of livelihood; Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Employed population (Resident in foreigner at 31 of December of 2009 - No.) by Place of residence (at the date of Census 2011), Sex, Age group and Occupational status; Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Unemployed population seeking a new job (No.) by Place of residence (at the date of Census 2011), Sex, Last occupational status and Economic activity (CAE Rev. 3); Decennial 2011 2011 20-11-2012   Freguesia   Login for subscription
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(*) Lower geographic detail level, or equivalent, for which data is available.