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Indicators Database table
  Indicators Reference period Date of update   Geographical Level(*)    
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Consult associated metadata Average rate of non-compliance (%) by Geographic localization (Municipality) and Type of tenancy agreement (2009, 2011); Annual 2009 2011 18-07-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Local programs of inter-municipal housing (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Situation of the local housing program; Annual 2009 2011 18-07-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Council housings (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002); Annual 2009 2011 18-07-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Council housing dwellings (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Dwellings typology; Annual 2009 2012 18-07-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Local programs of municipal housing (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Situation of the local housing program; Annual 2009 2011 18-07-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Council housing buildings with energy certification (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002); Annual 2009 2011 18-07-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Visitors (No.) of art galleries and others temporary exhibition spaces by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002); Annual 2002 2011 17-07-2012   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Distribution of annual mean consumption expenditures (%) of households by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002) and Type of consumed product (Division); Quinquennial 2005 / 2006 2010 / 2011 19-06-2012   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Annual mean consumption expenditures (€) of households by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002) and Type of consumed product (Division); Quinquennial 2005 / 2006 2010 / 2011 19-06-2012   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Annual mean consumption expenditure per capita (€) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002); Quinquennial 2005 / 2006 2010 / 2011 19-06-2012   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Net annual mean income (€) of households by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002) and Type of income; Quinquennial 2005 / 2006 2010 / 2011 19-06-2012   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Distribution of net annual mean income (%) of households by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002) and Type of income; Quinquennial 2005 / 2006 2010 / 2011 19-06-2012   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of households with equipment of communication and leisure (%) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002) and Type of equipment of communication and leisure; Quinquennial 2005 / 2006 2010 / 2011 19-06-2012   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Major and medium surgeries per day (Series 1999-2007 - No.) in health establishments by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001); Annual 1999 2008 31-05-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Marriages of employed spouses (Between persons of the opposite sex - No.) by Place of registration (NUTS - 2002), Wife's occupation and Husband's occupation; Annual 1995 2011 22-05-2012   Município   Login for subscription
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(*) Lower geographic detail level, or equivalent, for which data is available.