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Indicators Database table
  Indicators Reference period Date of update   Geographical Level(*)    
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Consult associated metadata Employed spouses (On marriages, between persons of the opposite sex - No.) by Place of registration (NUTS - 2002), Sex, Occupation (CNP) and Occupational status; Annual 1995 2011 22-05-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Heavy goods road vehicles used (No.) by Geographic localization (Mainland), Type of transport, Category (heavy goods road vehicle) and Age group; Annual 2004 2009 09-03-2012   Mainland   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Population served by public water supply systems (Series 2006-2009 - %) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001); Annual 2006 2009 29-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Population served by public sewerage systems (Series 2006-2009 - %) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001); Annual 2006 2009 29-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Population served by wastewater treatment plants (Series 2006-2009 - %) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001); Annual 2006 2009 29-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Wastewater treated (Series 2006-2009 - m³) of wastewater drainage and treatment systems by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001) and Level of treatment; Annual 2006 2009 29-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of wastewater treated (Series 2006-2009 - %) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001); Annual 2006 2009 29-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Tonne-kilometre (tkm) of Heavy goods road vehicles by Geographic localization (Mainland), Type of transport and Goods transported; Annual 2004 2007 15-02-2012   Mainland   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Tonne-kilometre in domestic transport (tkm) on heavy goods road vehicles by Geographic localization (Mainland), Type of freight and Goods transported; Annual 2004 2007 15-02-2012   Mainland   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Tonne-kilometre in domestic transport (tkm) on heavy goods road vehicles by Geographic localization (Mainland), Type of body and Goods transported; Annual 2004 2007 15-02-2012   Mainland   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Dissolved marriages by divorce (Between persons of the opposite sex - No.) by Place of last residence of the household (NUTS - 2002), Modalities (divorce) and Size class of number of children; Annual 1995 2006 13-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Dissolved marriages by divorce (Between persons of the opposite sex - No.) by Place of last residence of the household (NUTS - 2002), Sex, Age group of spouse and Modalities (divorce); Annual 1995 2006 13-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Dissolved marriages by divorce (Between persons of the opposite sex - No.) by Place of last residence of the household (NUTS - 2002), Duration of previous marriage and Modalities (divorce); Annual 1995 2006 13-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Wastewater discharged (Series 2006-2009 - m³) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Existence of treatment ; Annual 2006 2009 08-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Wastewater treated (Series 2006-2009 - m³) of wastewater drainage and treatment systems by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Level of treatment; Annual 2006 2009 08-02-2012   Município   Login for subscription
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(*) Lower geographic detail level, or equivalent, for which data is available.