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Indicators Database table
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Consult associated metadata Buildings (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001), Time period of construction, Repairing necessity of building and Extent of the building's repair needs; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Present population (No.) in living quarters by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001) and Type of living quarter in view of the occupacy status and building; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Buildings (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001), Time period of construction and Position of the building than the adjacent buildings; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Buildings (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001), Floors dimension, Accessibility of persons with conditional mobility and Lift existence; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Buildings (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001), Size classe dimension of living quarter and Existence of waste collection system; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Living quarters (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001) and Type of living quarter in view of the occupacy status and building; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Buildings (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001), Floors dimension, Type of utilization and Size classe dimension of living quarter; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Buildings (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001), Floors dimension and Materials used in construction; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Highest not isolated buildings (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001) and Time period of construction; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Buildings (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001), Time period of construction and Preservation state; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Buildings with more than one floor (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001), Floors dimension and Ground floor configuration type; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Living quarters (No.) by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001) and Type (living quarter); Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Institucional households (No.) in living quarters by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001) and Type (living quarter); Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Private households (No.) in living quarters by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001) and Type (living quarter); Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Institucional households (No.) in living quarters by Geographic localization (at the date of Census 2001) and Type of living quarter in view of the occupacy status and building; Decennial 2001 2001 05-01-2010   Freguesia   Login for subscription
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(*) Lower geographic detail level, or equivalent, for which data is available.