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Indicators Database table
  Indicators Reference period Date of update   Geographical Level(*)    
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Consult associated metadata Persons aged between 18 and 64 years old who participated in non formal education activities (No.) by Sex and Work duration regime; Quinquennial 2007 2007 16-12-2009   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Imports (Base 2006 - t) by Type of materials; Annual 1995 2007 15-12-2009   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Exports (Base 2006 - t) by Type of materials; Annual 1995 2007 15-12-2009   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Domestic material consumption (Base 2006 - t); Annual 1995 2007 15-12-2009   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Physical trade balance (Base 2006 - t); Annual 1995 2007 15-12-2009   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Domestic processed output (Base 2006 - t) by Type of emissions; Annual 1995 2007 15-12-2009   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Net additions to stock (Base 2006 - t); Annual 1995 2007 15-12-2009   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Domestic extraction (Base 2006 - t) by Type of materials; Annual 1995 2007 15-12-2009   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Direct material input (Base 2006 - t); Annual 1995 2007 15-12-2009   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Area of temporary crops (ha) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013), Type (temporary crops), Type of occupancy (Secondary crop) and Economic size classes (ESU); Irregular 1989 2007 14-12-2009   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Area of temporary crops (ha) by Geographic localization (Agrarian region), Type (temporary crops), Type of occupancy (Secondary crop) and Economic size classes (ESU); Irregular 1989 2007 14-12-2009   Agrarian region   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Agricultural holdings with temporary crops (No.) by Geographic localization (Agrarian region), Type (temporary crops), Type of occupancy (Secondary crop) and Economic size classes (ESU); Irregular 1989 2007 14-12-2009   Agrarian region   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Area of temporary crops (ha) by Geographic localization (Agrarian region), Type (temporary crops), Importance and Economic size classes (ESU); Irregular 1989 2007 14-12-2009   Agrarian region   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Area of temporary crops (ha) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001), Type (temporary crops), Type of occupancy (Secondary crop) and Economic size classes (ESU); Irregular 1989 2007 14-12-2009   NUTS II   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Agricultural holdings with temporary crops (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001), Type (temporary crops), Type of occupancy (Secondary crop) and Economic size classes (ESU); Irregular 1989 2007 14-12-2009   NUTS II   Login for subscription
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(*) Lower geographic detail level, or equivalent, for which data is available.