Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
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Indicators Database table
  Indicators Reference period Date of update   Geographical Level(*)    
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Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed using application software (Customer relationship management - CRM) (Série antiga - %); Annual 2007 2008 19-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed using open source operating systems (Early series - %); Annual 2007 2008 19-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed having developed e-learning training courses (Early series - %); Annual 2007 2008 19-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed with defined rules of Internet and e-mail usage (Early series - %); Annual 2007 2008 19-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed using digital signature (Early series - %); Annual 2007 2008 19-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed excluding financial activities using secure protocols (Secure socket sayer/ Transport layer security - SSL/TLS) to receive orders (Early series - %); Annual 2007 2008 19-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed sending e-invoices (Early series - %); Annual 2007 2008 19-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed receiving e-invoices (Early series - %); Annual 2007 2008 19-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed excluding financial activities using e-commerce (Early series - Order/ receive at least 1 per cent - %) by Employment size class; Annual 2003 2008 18-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed using Intranet (Early series - %); Annual 2003 2008 17-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed using Extranet (Early series - %); Annual 2003 2008 17-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed excluding financial activities with website providing acess to catalogues and price lists (Early series - %); Annual 2003 2008 17-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed using the Internet for training and education (Early series - %); Annual 2003 2008 17-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed using wire based LAN (Early series - %); Annual 2003 2008 17-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
Consult associated metadata Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed using Wireless LAN (Early series - %); Annual 2003 2008 17-12-2008   Portugal   Login for subscription
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(*) Lower geographic detail level, or equivalent, for which data is available.