Statistical tables First (given) name Size Type

Inbound tourism expenditure

E.2.1.1.xlsx 42 Kb XLSX

Domestic tourism expenditure

E.2.1.2.xlsx 46 Kb XLSX

Outbound tourism expenditure

E.2.1.3.xlsx 41 Kb XLSX

Tourism consumption on the economic territory

E.2.1.4.xlsx 46 Kb XLSX

Production account

E.2.1.5.xlsx 68 Kb XLSX

Domestic supply and tourism consumption on the economic territory

E.2.1.6.xlsx 106 Kb XLSX

Tourism collective consumption

E.2.1.7.xlsx 206 Kb XLSX

Employment and compensation of employees

E.2.1.8.xlsx 46 Kb XLSX

Main indicators

E.2.1.9.xlsx 42 Kb XLSX