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CSE-Logo   Secretariat of the Statistical Council


The organisational unit supporting the functioning of the Council, created in Statistics Portugal, pursuant to the Basic Law of the National Statistical System. Its tasks include the preparation of the agendas, the organisation of the whole technical, legal and administrative support to the structures of the Council, the preparation of the seminars, debates and other national and international organisations in its area of intervention.

Statistical Council Executive Secretary

The tasks of the Council Secretary, with no voting rights, are performed by a senior staff of Statistics Portugal, appointed by the Chairperson of the Council, under proposal of the President of the Administration Board of Statistics Portugal. He/she is responsible for the administrative work and for technical and legal support to the Council, and shall namely:

  1. Manage the functioning of the Council’s meetings;
  2. Prepare and submit the annual Work Programmes and annual Reports of the Council, for approval;
  3. Define information models and contents to be disseminated by the Council within the scope of its tasks and activities;
  4. Carry out the other tasks entrusted to it by the Council, by its Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson.


  • Cláudia da Conceição Mendes Antunes Pina– Secretary of the Statistical Council
  • Helena Oliveira; Paulo Cocco Martins; Marlene Ferradosa – Statistician
  • Fernando Cordeiro; Isabel Pires da Silva – Administrative supports

© Instituto Nacional de Estatística