The thematic file “Municipalities” is a central point of access to information on a wide range of topics at municipal level. We provide access to data from all the regional Yearbooks in a set of files; to municipal files with economic, social, and emographic statistical information (available only in Portuguese); and, as part of the STASLAB project, to files with results on income statistics at local level () and asymmetry indicators at local and regional level.
The 2024 edition of the Regional Statistical Yearbooks allows for a more direct consultation of data - on the themes analysed in the regions - highlighting the access to the retrospective series through the hyperlinks to the Database, and the structuring of the contents for the entire national territory.
In addition to the presentation in the navigation tree, integrated access to the contents of the Regional Statistical Yearbooks:
The previous publications of each Regional Statistical Yearbook are available, from the first to the 2019 edition, in
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Press Release from 17-12-2024
The Regional Statistical Yearbooks, launched in the early nineties, were the key edition regarding the dissemination of statistical data at regional and municipal levels.