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CSE-Logo   History - Legislation / Regulations






Law No 6/89 of 15 April Basic Law of the National Statistical System


Rules of Procedure


Deliberation No 28 - plenary Rules of Procedure of the Statistical Council - 2012


Deliberation No 1 - plenary Rules of Procedure of the Statistical Council - 2008


Deliberation No 302 Rules of Procedure of the Statistical Council - 2006


Deliberation No 215 Approval of amendments to the Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Statistica Council


Deliberation No 182 Approval of amendments to the Article 16 of the Rules of Procedure of the Statistical Council


Deliberation No 139 Rules of Procedure of the Statistical Council - 1997  


Deliberation No 1 Rules of Procedure of the Statistical Council - 1990


Statistical Confidentiality



Deliberation No 235 Issue of a favourable opinion on the Regulamento de Aplicação do Princípio do Segredo Estatístico (Regulation for the implementation of the Statistical Confidentiality Principle) submitted by the Regional Statistical Office of Açores


Deliberation No 207 Issue of a favourable opinion on the Regulamento de Aplicação do Princípio do Segredo Estatístico (Regulation for the implementation of the Statistical Confidentiality Principle) of the Observatório das Ciências e das Tecnologias (Observatory of Science and Technology)


Deliberation No 206 Issue of a favourable opinion on the Regulamento de Aplicação do Princípio do Segredo Estatístico (Regulation for the implementation of the Statistical Confidentiality Principle) of the Directorate General of Fisheries and Aquaculture


Deliberation No 188 Regulation on the assessment of requests for access to confidential statistical data


Deliberation No 187 Statistical data not subject to statistical confidentiality


Deliberation No 166 Issue of a favourable opinion on the Regulamento de Aplicação do Princípio de Segredo Estatístico (Regulation for the implementation of the Statistical Confidentiality Principle) submitted to the Regional Directorates of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries


Deliberation No 146 Favourable appraisal of the Regulamento de Aplicação do Princípio do Segredo Estatístico (Regulation for the implementation of the Statistical Confidentiality Principle) of the Research and Planning Office of the Ministry of Justice


Deliberation No 145 Favourable appraisal of the Regulamento de Aplicação do Princípio do Segredo Estatístico (Regulation for the implementation of the Statistical Confidentiality Principle) of the Regional Directorate of Statistics of the Autonomous Region of Madeira


Deliberation No 60 Issue of a favourable opinion on the “Regulation governing the implementation of the Statistical Confidentiality Principle" submitted by Statistics Portugal


Deliberation No 6 Approval of the Regulation on the appraisal of requests for access to confidential statistical data




Deliberation No 323 Creation of an Ad-hoc Section for Monitoring the 2011 Censuses


Deliberation No 303 Creation of an Ad-hoc Section for the Revision of the National Statistical System’s Law


Deliberation No 286 Operating Structure of the Statistical Council 2005


Deliberation No 268 Approval of adjustments to the composition of the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Demográficas e Sociais, das Famílias e do Ambiente (Standing Section of Demographic, Social, Household and Environment Statistics), the Secção Permanente de Planeamento, Coordenação e Difusão (Standing Section of Planning, Cooperation and Dissemination) and the Secção Permanente de Cooperação Estatística (Standing Section of Statistical Cooperation) (2004)


Deliberation No 245 Adjustments to be introduced in the composition of the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Económicas Sectoriais (Standing Section of Sectoral Economic Statistics), the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Demográficas e Sociais, das Famílias e do Ambiente (Standing Section of Demographic, Social, Household and Environment Statistics) and the Secção Permanente de Cooperação Estatística (Standing Section of Statistical Cooperation) (2003)


Deliberation No 216 Approval of changes to the composition of the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Económicas Sectoriais (Standing Section of Sectoral Economic Statistics) and the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Macroeconómicas (Standing Section of Macroeconomic Statistics) and in the composition of the Regional Sections of the Statistical Council (2001)


Deliberation No 191 Approval of changes to the composition of the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Económicas Sectoriais (Standing Section of Sectoral Economic Statistics), the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Macroeconómicas (Standing Section of Macroeconomic Statistics) and the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Demográficas, Sociais, das Famílias e do Ambiente (Standing Section of Demographic, Social, Household and Environment Statistics) (2000)


Deliberation No 155 Approval of changes to the composition and mandate of the previously created Regional Sections of the Statistical Council, and creation of the Algarve Regional Section of the Statistical Council (1998)


Deliberation No 124 Creation of the Lisboa e Vale do Tejo Regional Section of the Statistical Council – powers and composition (1997)


Deliberation No 99 Creation of the Alentejo Regional Section – powers and composition (1996)


Deliberation No 71 Changes to the powers and in the composition of the Secção Permanente de Coordenação Estatística (Standing Section of Statistical Coordination), in compliance with the provisions laid down in Article 24 of Law 6/89 of 15 April (on the requirement to hear the Council on draft legislation creating statistical services or containing regulations affecting the functioning of the System) (1993)


Deliberation No 35 Creation of the Centro Regional Section – powers and composition (1991)


Deliberation No 24 Creation of the Norte Regional Section – powers and composition (1991)


Deliberation No 18 Creation of the Secção Eventual para Acompanhamento dos Censos 91 (Ad-hoc Section for Monitoring the 1991 Censuses) – powers and composition (1990)


Deliberation No 17 Creation of the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Demográficas e Sociais (Standing Section of Demographic and Social Statistics) – powers and composition (1991)


Deliberation No 16 Creation of the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Monetárias e Financeiras e da Balança de Pagamentos (Standing Section of Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics) – powers and composition (1990)


Deliberation No 15 Creation of the Secção Permanente de Estatísticas Económicas (Standing Section of Economic Statistics) – powers and composition (1990)


Deliberation No 14 Creation of the Secção Permanente de Contas Nacionais (Standing Section of National Accounts) – powers and composition (1990)


Deliberation No 13 Creation of the Secção Permanente de Difusão Estatística (Standing Section of Statistical Dissemination) – powers and composition (1990)


Deliberation No 12 Creation of the Secção Permanente de Coordenação Estatística (Standing Section of Statistical Coordination) – powers and composition (1990)


Deliberation No 11 Creation of the Secção Permanente de Planeamento, Acompanhamento e Avaliação da Actividade Estatística Nacional (Standing Section of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Statistical Activity) – powers and composition (1990)

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