Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Description of the Web Accessibility Symbol

A globe, marked with a grid, tilts at an angle. A keyhole is cut into its surface.

Web Accessibility Symbol

The Web Accessibility Symbol does not guarantee that the website is fully accessible. Its use “denotes, on the part of webmasters, a concern about providing the website with accessibility functions that will meet the needs of disabled people” (NCAM).
The use of this symbol is voluntary, and only shows an effort to increase accessibility to a website, in compliance with the Decision No 155/2007 of the Council of Ministers on the accessibility by citizens with special needs to Government websites or those of central government services and public entities. It does not correspond to a certification process started by any certifying entity.
There is no guarantee that a website posting that symbol is fully accessible or even that it has been designed in compliance with accessibility guidelines.

Not all areas in this website are fully accessible. It is the case of the following areas, due to their characteristics:
  • Chart consultation – charts correspond to a graphical representation of the statistical tables that may be obtained from the website; however, they provide the same information as tables.
  • Manipulation of statistical tables – This facility permits rows and columns to be exchanged in a given table. The required information, however, may be obtained from the default table, which is accessible.
  • Territorial breakdown – This component presents the graphical representation, through ortophotomaps (aerial photographs), of the different territorial units, be it administrative, statistical divisions or other.


The development of this website was based, where possible, on the following accessibility criteria:

  • When using the [View]-[Text size] options of your browser, you may chose a larger or smaller font size for easier reading;
  • Images provide alternative text;
  • Although the use of JavaScript may increase the functionalities of this website, all contents are operational even when JavaScript is not active;
  • Non-traditional browser navigation was taken into consideration;
  • If required, you may navigate throughout the whole website without the mouse, by using the keyboard [tab] to move forward and [shift]+[tab] to move back between links.