Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
Security Awards 2024 - Security Magazine

Statistics Portugal was the winner of the 'Security Awards 2024 - Security Magazine' in the 'Security at Work' category.

The Security Awards aim to recognise the work of professionals and organisations dedicated to security, as well as the main projects and initiatives that stood out during 2023 in four main areas: cybersecurity, security at work, corporate security and innovation.

Statistics Portugal submitted its candidacy under the theme "TOGETHER FOR THE SAFETY AND HEALTH OF ALL", the motto of its commitment to everyone in this competition in the "Safety at Work" category.

It is with great satisfaction and pride that Statistics Portugal has seen its initiatives in the field of safety at work recognised by winning first place. Among the main results achieved in 2023 are a reduction in the number of accidents and an effective response to safety procedures in terms of behaviour and attitudes.


All information in: Security Magazine

Security Awards 2024 - Security Magazine