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Publication cover

Paper Paper
Industrial Production Statistics - 2001
Issue year: 2002
With this publication, the National Statistics Institute (INE) of Portugal provides continuity to the dissemination of results on Annual Survey of Industrial Production.
It provides information on products produced (expressed in volume), products sold (in volume and value) and industrial services.
The characterisation of industrial production included here was prepared by using the harmonised methodologies and lists of products compliant with the European Union, through Council Regulation (EEC) no. 3924/91 of 1991.12.19. We also recommend that, in order to better understand the results presented, the user read the Methodological Note, Concepts and Definitions.
In order to obtain economic and financial information on industrial companies, the user is advised to consult the publication Business Statistics.
A significant part of the information available is not published, although the INE may make it available upon request, under conditions to be agreed upon and in strict compliance with the principle of statistical confidentiality.
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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Industrial Production Statistics : 2001. Lisboa : INE, 2002. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0872-9298. ISBN 972-673-561-0

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