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Gross monthly earnings per employee increased by 3.2% in the 1st quarter of 2020, to €1,189
Employment statistics
Gross monthly earnings per worker
Gross monthly earnings per employee increased by 3.2% in the 1st quarter of 2020, to €1,189
07 May 2020


The gross monthly earnings per employee (per job) increased by 3.2% in the 1st quarter of 2020, compared to the same period of 2019, to €1,189. The same increase of 3.2% was observed on gross regular and base monthly earnings, which reached €1,069 and €1,005, respectively. These data concern nearly 4.2 million of employees, corresponding to the Social Security’s beneficiaries and the subscribers of Caixa Geral de Aposentações.
In real terms, taking into account the change of the Consumer Price Index during the period under analysis, those gross monthly earnings per employee increased by 2.8%.

The information in this Press Release does not yet reflect the current situation determined by the pandemic COVID-19. It is possible that the analysed trends may change. Nonetheless, the information available today is useful to establish a reference to assess future developments. Despite the circumstances, Statistics Portugal will try to maintain the statistical production and release calendar, although some adjustments might occur associated with the impact of the pandemic in obtaining primary information. We reinforce our call for better collaboration by citizens and public entities in answering to Statistics Portugal's requests. The quality of official statistics, particularly its ability to identify the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, depends crucially on this collaboration that INE is gratefull for in advance.

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