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Publication cover

Paper Paper
The editions of the Statistical Yearbook of Portugal : 1875-2008
Issue year: 2010


The publication entitled The editions of the Statistical Yearbook of Portugal: 1875-2008 is a tribute to the Statistical Yearbook of Portugal (SYP), which reached the 100th edition with the last volume, published in 2009.

This commemorative publication presents and characterizes all the editions of the SYP, but also covers the editions of the Overseas Yearbooks and the Regional Yearbooks. Each edition presents morphological and contextual information, providing a whole but concise knowledge on the SYP set in its time and space.


How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - As edições do Anuário Estatístico de Portugal : 1875-2008. Lisboa : INE, 2010. Available at www: <url:>. ISBN 978-989-25-0071-3

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