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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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Paper Paper
Socio-economic portrait of the Metropolitan Area of Oporto - 2001
Issue year: 2004

This study aims at being a framework to understanding the characteristics and territorial dynamics of the Oporto Metropolitan Area, stress being laid on the contrasts between the various sub-spaces of this metropolitan area. Based on the analysis of statistical data resulting from the Population and Housing Census, available at the statistical sub-section level, accompanied by maps and analytical comments, the result obtained is a socio-economic typology of the Porto metropolitan space, comprised by nine municipalities.
PDF TSEAMPorto2001.pdf (11151 Kb)

How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Tipologia Socioeconómica da Área Metropolitana do Porto : 2001. Lisboa : INE, 2004. Available at www: <url:>. ISBN 972-673-744-3

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