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The territorial dimension in SGD indicators : the contribution of geospatial data and analysis and its combination with statistical data
Issue year: 2019


Publication that presents and discusses the challenges and opportunities at global, European and national level, of geospatial information and statistical data integration for the production of Sustainable Development Indicators, associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Agenda 2030.

This work is the result of the collaboration of 13 countries represented by National Statistical Institutes or National Geospatial Information Agencies. It was coordinated by INE and developed within the Data Integration Working Group of the Regional Committee for Europe of the United Nations Initiative on Global Management of Geospatial Information (UN-GGIM: Europe).

«Statistical information coupled with geospatial information is indeed a powerful tool, greater than the sum of their component parts.»

PDF UNGGIM2019.pdf (7618 Kb)

How to cite the document:

UN-GGIM Europe - The territorial dimension in SDG indicators : geospatial data analysis and its integration with statistical data. Lisboa : INE, 2019. Available at www: <url:>. ISBN 978-989-25-0485-8

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