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statísticas Agrícolas 2011
Domestic market absorbed 85% of food industry sales which lost market share, falling from the 6th to the 8th
position in the ranking of the sales of total manufacturing.
Beverage industry in 2010 earned more than EUR 33 million in relation to 2009, at the expense of increasing the
value of sales of alcoholic beverages.
The foreign market (71% to EU and 19% for third countries) was the main target of the tobacco industry
production in 2010.
International trade
In 2011 the deficit of trade balance for agricultural products worsened by 10% and reached EUR 3,794 million.
The trade deficit of the agri-food products has improved by 20% in 2011, settling at EUR 308 million.
Spain is the main destination of exports for agricultural products (48%), but Brazil and Angola appear as
increasingly emerging markets, with growth rates between 31% and 35%, respectively in 2009 and 2011.
Spain (24%), Angola (19%) and France (12%) were the main countries of destination of the national agro-
industrial production in 2011.
Forest industry had a strong positive balance in 2011, of around EUR 1,892 million, more than EUR 615 million
in 2010.
The evolution of the trade balance according to the contribution to GDP, places the forestry sector as an
important strategic asset, rising from a level of 0.25% in 2006 to 1.1% of GDP in 2011.
Supply balance sheet
In 2010 Portugal remained self-sufficient in milk and wine and is on the way to achieve the self-sufficiency in
rice (degree of self-sufficiency of 99% in 2010).
From 2008 to 2010, Portugal produced an average of 74% of the meat consumption being deficient in all types
of meat. Almost half of the consumption of bovine meat is dependent on the foreign supplying market (degree of
self-sufficiency of 52%). The production of poultry is the closest to self-sufficiency with a degree of self-
sufficiency of 92%.
In 2008-2010, Portugal improved the level of olive oil self-sufficiency by 15 percentage points (from 62% to
77%) and worsened the dependence on the foreign supplying market of other oils (from 81% to 67% self-
Agriculture price index
Decrease in agricultural goods output price index (-1.0%), in 2011.
Increase in goods and services currently consumed in agriculture price index (+7.6%), in 2011.
Increase in goods and services contributing to agricultural investment price index (+2.4%), in 2011.
Economic accounts for agriculture
Estimates on the Economic Accounts for Agriculture for 2011 shows the following results:
Decrease, in value, of the output of the agricultural industry (-0.6%), in 2011.
Decrease of Gross Value Added at current prices on Agriculture (-10.8%), in 2011.
Decrease in Real Agricultural Income per annual work unit (-10.3%), in 2011.
Economic accounts for forestry
In 2010, Economic Accounts for Forestry show the following results:
Increase on the Output of Forestry, in nominal terms (+6.0%).
Increase of Gross Value Added, in nominal terms (+6.6%).
Increase of Net Entrepreneurial Income (+10.4%).