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Estatísticas Agrícolas 2011
The purpose of this publication is to give an overview of the agriculture in 2011, as well as for some branches of
national economy related to this sector.
Basic results and findings related to the agriculture production are presented on chapters “Crop Production”,
“Animal production” and “Forestry production”; agriculture economy is described on “Economic accounts for
agriculture”, “Economic accounts for forestry” and “Agriculture price index”; and a wide range of data on Farm
structure holdings, Forestry, Environment and Food industry amongst other topics.
The structure of this publication enables an easier approach to statistical data, including a brief analysis at the
beginning of each chapter.
Crop production
In 2011, winter cereals production hits historical minimum, surpassed only by the 2005 campaign which was
strongly marked by drought.
Maize production exceeded 830,000 tonnes.
Pear production experienced a considerable increase, reaching a record of 230,000 tonnes.
Olive oil production has reached unprecedented levels, up from 823,000 hectoliters.
Animal production
In 2011 the bovine meat amounted to 96,000 tonnes, which reflects an increase of 3.1% over 2010; this
increase was mainly recorded in veal.
The context of national and international economic crisis and the EU requirements (animal welfare) and speculation
on the cereals market, has led to stagnation in pig meat production (-0.2%) vis-à-vis 2010.
The production of poultry meat in 2011 (334,000 tonnes) showed a slight decline of 1.4% compared with the
previous year.
Eggs for consumption fell by 5.9%, reaching a production of 102,000 tonnes in 2011.
The amount of cow’s milk in 2011 was 1,906 million liters, nearby 2010 production (+0.4%).
Forest production
The forest area in Portugal covers 3,564 thousands hectares, of which about 30% corresponds to forest stands
of pine tree.
Although the number of forest fires increased by 15% in 2011, the burnt area in the mainland and Madeira
(75, 000 hectares) was significantly lower (-47%) compared to 2010.
Agriculture and environment
In 2009, the number of traditional products with protected names was 121, of which 110 were also recognized
within the Community (PDO or PGI).
The volume of sales of plant protection products in 2010 registered a value close to that obtained in the previous
year, about 14,000 tonnes expressed as content of active substance.
The amount of herbicides placed on the market increased by 20% in 2010, promoted mainly by the formulations
of herbicides based on glyphosate.
Apparent consumption of inorganic fertilizers increased by 6%, amounting to 169,000 tonnes in 2010.
In 2010 each hectare of UAA incorporated 12 kg of nitrogen and 2 kg of phosphorus, corresponding to
increases of 5% and 7%, respectively.
Food industry
In 2010, total sales of food industry reached EUR 8,589 million, corresponding to 15% of national industrial