| R EVSTAT St a t i s t i c a l Jo u r n a l |
Víctor Leiva
An asymmetric area model-based approach for small area estimation applied to survey data
(REVSTAT, Vol.19, No.3, July 2021)
The Fay-Herriot model in small area estimation: EM algorithm and application to official data
(Volume 18, No.5, October 2020)
The transmuted Birnbaum-Saunders distribution(Vol.15, No.4, October 2017)
A reparameterized Birnbaum-Saunders distribution and its moments, estimation and applications (Volume 12/No.
3/November 2014)
On an extreme value version of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution (Volume
10,Number 2, June 2012)
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Last modified: 26-07-2021 |