Home :: Projet :: Objectives of the Project National Statistics System on Gender Equality
The project National Statistics System on Gender Equality is promoted by Statistics Portugal. Its main goal is to revise the Gender Database (BDG) currently under development by Statistics Portugal. It is intended that all users and society in general have an information system covering various dimensions of (in)equality between women and men.
In the context of the revision of the gender database, information gaps have been identified in two specific areas in which the issue of inequality between women and men may be of particular explanatory relevance, and which need to be further developed: fertility and time use.
To achieve its main goal, this project will be developed according to a three step approach:
- A revision, update, and improvement of the content and scope of the GDB, considering the need to provide data that allow interregional and international comparability, monitor the development of policy measures defined in the Portuguese Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030 – Action Plan for Equality between Women and Men, as well as other needs, such as the Sustainable Development Indicators.
- The design and implementation of the Fertility Survey to ensure the availability of data on the reasons for the low number of births in Portugal, namely gender inequalities in the labour market and imbalances within households. The results of this survey should contribute to further increase the understanding of this urgent demographic problem as well as support the formulation of public policies.
- The development of a report on the most appropriate methodology and interview modes, focusing on web mode, to collect data on time use, recommending the most appropriate technological solutions for future data collection. For this action, Statistics Portugal will work closely with Statistics Norway, benefiting from its experience in collecting data applying innovative tools.