Estágios no âmbito do programa IPA
Traineeships under the IPA programme
A equipa informática do INE foi bastante profissional e
prestável e gostaria de aproveitar esta oportunidade para
lhes agradecer a ajuda, apoio e hospitalidade ao longo deste
estágio. Mesmo quando as dúvidas não diziam diretamente
respeito ao meu trabalho, sempre me deram a sua máxima
atenção e apoio.
Para além do trabalho, a equipa do INE sempre foi muito
atenciosa, ajudando-me a aproveitar o meu pouco tempo
disponível para visitar o país e aprendermais sobre a cultura
No final, posso dizer que estou um pouco triste por deixar o
INE e Lisboa, mas tambémestoumuito satisfeito por ter tido
a oportunidade de conhecer e trabalhar com estas pessoas
Os Portugueses, o INE, Lisboa e Portugal vão estar sempre
Estou extremamente grato por me terem dado a
oportunidade de ficar mais do que 3 meses num estágio no
INE em Lisboa. Em tudo, sempre tive o apoio incondicional
do departamento informático do INE.
Amer Koric
Instituto de Estatística da Bósnia e Herzegovina
Institute for Statistics of FB&H
When I received the information that I have been chosen for
a traineeship at INE (Instituto Nacional de Estatística) in
Portugal, I was very excited. My opinion about INE was
on a
very high level and now, after more than 3 months, I can say
thatmy opinion is confirmed.
The first days I spent at INE showed me that my traineeship
period would be excellent for me either in my professional
development or bymeeting newpeople and a newculture.
I am glad to have had the opportunity to meet IT staff of INE
and, in particular, I would like to expressmy appreciation toMs.
Maria José Borralho for her enthusiasm and patience in the
discussion, as well as toMr. Hugo Reis for his helpful advice and
to other teammembers for their technical advice.
Under the supervision of my mentor, Ms. Maria José Borralho,
the traineeship has become exciting and useful for my future
work in different areas of database administration and shell
scripting. This visit has provided me with fresh incentive and
encouragement formy futurework.
Also, the whole IT team from INE was really very professional
and kind and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them
all for the help, support and hospitality they have provided me.
Even if my questions were not strict related to my tasks and my
work, they supported me all the time and helped how much as
they could.
Beyond the working arrangements, INE staff was very
attentive by helpingme tomake the best use of our limited time
to see the country and learn more about the Portuguese
At the end, I can say that I am a little bit sad because I leave INE
and Lisbon, but I also can say that I am very happy because I
have had the opportunity tomeet andworkwith thiswonderful
Portuguese people, INE, Lisbon and Portugal will always be
part ofme.
I am extremely grateful for having given me the opportunity to
stay more than 3 months in a traineeship in your Institute in
In all, I had the wholehearted support of staff from IT
department of INE.