União Europeia e Países do
European Union and Enlargement
developed in data warehouse, and this helped me gain
a lot of new knowledge on concepts and procedures
concerning data warehouse and I’m sure that this will help
me improve some of the current processes and projects
in this field within my institute. Not only the everyday
work, but also the theoretical knowledge I gained through
various documentation provided by my mentor will have a
significant impact on my knowledge on the subject.
The culture that Portugal and Lisbon have to share is
amazing. A person could stay here for years, and there is
always something beautiful to discover.
The friendship. Every person I met here
was friendly and helpful. It takes very
little to discover how welcoming and
warm people are. This place I could truly
call my other home.
I would like to say thanks to all colleagues
in the office, but special thanks to Marco,
Maria José, José Alberto, Cristina and
two wonderful ladies and friends, Otilia
and Ana Paula. Beijinhos e Abraços
And, since this is the hardest part for me,
I am not going to write a lot about it.
Thank you for the patience and determination to share the
Thank you and your wonderful family for making me feel
like a part of it.
The rest I could not express with words.
Thank you.
Marko Zekic
Testemunho da orientadora do estágio
Feedback from the traineeship coordinator
Apesar do curto tempo de estágio do Marko sentimos que
ele está connosco há muito. Não apenas pelo trabalho
que desenvolveu nas várias áreas de data
que esteve envolvido mas pelas suas qualidades como
ser humano. A alegria com que enfrentou novos projetos
que precisavam de ser desenvolvidos foi a mesma que
mostrou perante as tarefas mais aborrecidas e rotineiras
que também necessitam de ser feitas diariamente. A sua
perspetiva positiva é uma lição de vida e de esperança.
Chegou como um estagiário e parte como um amigo que
deixará muitas saudades.
Não lhe ensinámos nada mas esperamos
ter-lhe facilitado a apren-dizagem de
muito e desejamos-lhe que todas as
experiências que lográmos proporcionar-
lhe o possam acompanhar na sua
instituição e na sua vida.
Notwithstanding the short duration of
Marko’s traineeship, we feel like he has
been with us for a long time. Not only
for the work that he has developed
in several areas of data warehouse in
which he was involved, but especially for
his qualities as a human being. The joy that he brought
while facing new projects that needed developing was the
same one that he has shown before other dull, routine
tasks which also need to be performed on a daily basis.
His positive perspective is a life lesson and also a lesson
of hope. He has arrived as a trainee, but he leaves as a
friend, one who will be deeply missed.
We haven’t really taught him anything, but we sure
hope that we’ve eased him into the learning of a lot of
new things and we wish that all the experiences that we
were able to provide him with can accompany him in his
institution, and throughout his life.
Thank you.