Nos dias 25 e 26 de Fevereiro de 2015 realizou-se, em Lisboa, a segunda reunião do Grupo de Trabalho Euro-mediterrânico
sobre Estatísticas de Transportes. Esta reunião focou-se, de forma multidimensional, nas Estatísticas dos Transportes,
nomeadamente no ponto de situação desta vertente estatística a um nível regional e em temas tais como a sua disseminação,
função de apoio à decisão política e relação entre produtores e utilizadores de informação. O INE fez-se representar neste
evento pela colega Rute Cruz, oradora convidada, cuja apresentação incidiu sobre a difusão de estatísticas de transportes ao
grande público.
From June 17 to 19, Statistics Portugal hosted a study visit of the
Statistical Office of Serbia (SORS). Ms Biljana Ilic, Ms. Tatjana
Stanojevic-Miladinovic, Ms. OljaMusic, Ms. Aleksandra Danilovic, Ms.
Vanja Vojsk, members of the SORS Quality Group, came to Statistics
Portugal to learn about the implementation and development process
of its Quality system. Quality is a cross-cutting subject and so it
required the participation of the Planning and Quality and
Dissemination Units and the Methodology and Information Systems,
Economic Statistics and Data Collection Departments. The main
objectives of this study visit were to present a road-map onQuality and
its framework within an Integrated Management System (SIGINQ) as
well as all the inherent quality documentation (Quality Charter,
Policies, Procedures and the Statistical Production Process Handbook).
The importance of the methodological component and of the
metadata system was referenced, as well as of the quality in the
information collecting process, culminating with a concrete example on the International trade statistics. The evaluation
activities, monitoring and customer satisfaction system was reserved to the last day, concluding with a brief note on the Peer
Review exercise to which Statistics Portugal was submitted this January. This study visit, in the words of the participants,
exceeded all the expectations mainly on the sharing of knowledge and exchange of experiences, promoting the spirit of
cooperation between both institutions.
Cooperação no quadro da Política
Europeia de Vizinhança
Cooperation with European
Neighbourhood Policy countries
Política Europeia de Vizinhança-Sul - Reunião do Grupo de Trabalho Euro-mediterrânico
sobre Estatísticas de Transporte
European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)- South
2nd Meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Working Group on Transport Statistics
Países do Alargamento Europeu
Enlargement countries
Between 25 and 26 February the 2nd Meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Working Group on Transport Statistics
took place in Lisbon. This meeting focused on several aspects of Transport Statistics, through a multidimensional
approach, such as its state of play at a regional level and other themes like dissemination, evidence-provision to
policy makers and the relationship between users and producers of this statistical domain. Statistics Portugal was
represented by guest speaker Rute Cruz who gave a presentation on dissemination of transport statistics to the
larger public.