| R EVSTAT St a t i s t i c a l Jo u r n a l |
Saralees Nadarajah
Weibull Lindley distribution(Volume 16,Number 1, January 2018)
Expansions for quantiles and multivariate moments of extremes for heavy tailed distributions (REVSTAT, Vol.15, No.1, January 2017)
Bayesian and non-Bayesian interval estimators for the Poisson mean (Volume
13,Number 3, November 2015)
Extremes of perturbed bivariate Rayleigh risks (Volume 12/No.
2/June 2014)
A generalized skew logistic distribution (Volume 11/No.
3/November 2013)
Nonparametric estimates of low bias (Volume
11,Number 2, June 2013)
Nonparametric estimates of low bias (Volume
10,Number 2, June 2012)
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Last modified:
07-02-2018 |