COOPSTAT n.º9, agosto - dezembro 2013 - page 16

Outros países terceiros
Other third countries
Maria João Zilhão, Head of the Planning, Control and
Quality Unit from Statistics Portugal, participated at
the workshop “Statistics and evidence based decision
making”, which took place in Brussels, in October. The
workshop was organized by TAIEX- Technical
Assistance Information Exchange Instrument”. The
expert provided the following presentation: “The
shape and changes in the governance of the regional
statistical system in Portugal”.
Workshop no âmbito do MEDSTAT III
José Pinto Martins, Diretor do Serviço de Difusão do INE
de Portugal, participou no Workshop “Electronic
Publications” no âmbito do MEDSTAT III, em setembro,
na Argélia. O workshop foi organizado pelo ADETEF e
realizou-se nas instalações do ONS tendo participado
representantes dos INEs da Argélia, Tunísia e Marrocos.
José Pinto Martins, Head of the Dissemination Unit
from Statistics Portugal, participated at the workshop
on “Electronic Publications” in the aim of MEDSTAT
III, in September, in Algeria. The workshop was
organized by ADETEF and took place at ONS premises
with the participation of representatives of NSIs from
Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco.
Workshop no âmbito do Programa TAIEX
TAIEX Programme - Workshop
Maria João Zilhão, Diretora do Serviço de Planeamento,
Controlo de Qualidade do INE de Portugal, participou,
em outubro, em Bruxelas, no Workshop “
Statistics and
evidence based decision making
” organizado pelo
TAIEX- Technical Assistance Information Exchange
Instrument. A técnica apresentou o seguinte tema: “
shape and changes in the governance of the regional
statistical system in Portugal”.
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