Estatísticas da CPLP 2012
CPLP Statistics 2012
The Presidents and Directors General of Statistics
of the Community of Portuguese-speaking
Countries (CPLP) gathered in Luanda on 22 and 23
June 2012, have considered of great interest
republishing "CPLP Statistics", edited for the first
time in 1998 and subsequently in 2004,
committing to a third edition in 2012.
The 2012 edition of " CPLP Statistics" represents
the fulfillment of a collective decision that not
only updates statistics published in previous
editions, as it provides more statistical
information, including both the previous and the
new areas observed. The aim is thus to provide a
better understanding of the CPLP member
countries - Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-
Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and
Principe and Timor-Leste - based on official
statistics. In most of the tables provided, the
reference period of the information is placed
between the years 2003 to 2010.
The information provided in the form of data and
statistical indicators is complemented by analysis
of texts and graphics in different themes. The data
analysis is organised by the nineteen chapters
featuring the various aspects of the areas of
population, territory and environment, socio-
economic activities and national accounts.
The edition "CPLP Statistics 2012" is a project
implemented by Statistics Portugal in close
partnership with INE-Mozambique, which started
in September 2011. Its achievement however was
only made possible with the support and
collaboration of the National Statistical Institutes
(NSI) of all the CPLP member countries, whose
focal points have provided and / or confirmed the
statistical information in this publication. In
parallel, a booklet was issued containing
statistical synthesis corresponding to the first
chapter "General Data" of the publication, as well
as institutional information about the CPLPNSIs.
A edição "
Estatísticas da CPLP 2012
" é um projeto
executado pelo INE de Portugal em estreita parceria com o
INE de Moçambique, que foi iniciado em setembro de
2011. No entanto, a sua concretização só se tornou
possível com o apoio e a colaboração dos Institutos
Nacionais de Estatística de todos os países membros da
CPLP, cujos pontos focais disponibilizaram e/ou
confirmaram as informações estatísticas da presente
publicação. Em paralelo, foi editada uma brochura
contendo informação estatística de síntese
correspondente ao primeiro capítulo "Dados Gerais" da
publicação, bem como informação institucional sobre os INEs da CPLP.