COOPSTAT n.º7, julho 2012-março 2013 - page 7

Thus, the Portuguese cooperation strategy is under
revision, a process which aims to update and
modernise the development cooperation policy
approach in linewith the current international context.
Aspects related to the effectiveness of ODA and Policy
Coherence for Development (PCD) arise, in the current
context, as essential components of CICL's work in the
area of development cooperation.
Respect for human rights, democratic governance,
environmental sustainability, cultural diversity, gender
equality, the principles of aid effectiveness, including
coordination, coherence and complementarity of
efforts, as well as for poverty reduction and the
commitment to MDGs' achievement, are strategic
principles of the action of CICL, as well as the
geographical and sectoral priorities, to which two new
areas are added, namely the scientific and
technological capacity and entrepreneurship and
business development.
No âmbito da CPLP está em curso o programa de
capacitação dos sistemas estatísticos nacionais dos
PALOP e Timor-Leste, previsto para o período 2012-
2014. Qual o balanço que faz do primeiro ano de
execução deste projeto?
É com enorme satisfação que constato que a
relevância que sempre demos à cooperaçãona área da
estatística continua a ter um impacto positivo junto
dos países beneficiários.
O facto de neste primeiro ano de execução todas as
ações efetuadas terem visto os seus propósitos
alcançados é demonstrativo da recetividade e
In the context of CPLP, the "Training Programme of
the National Statistical Systems of the Portuguese-
speaking African Countries and Timor-Leste" is
currently being implemented and foreseen for the
period 2012-2014. What is the assessment you
make of the first year of implementation of this
interesse que o programa tem nos países, permitindo
consolidar a capacidade estatística dos países
parceiros nos vários domínios de intervenção (apoio
institucional; geoinformação; índice de preços no
consumidor e indicadores de curto prazo; estatísticas
económicas e contas nacionais).
Assim sendo, parece-me que o objetivo global do
programa está a ser cumprido e estamos a caminhar
positivamente no processo de modernização e reforço
institucional dos sistemas estatísticos nacionais dos
PALOP e Timor-Leste.
I am very pleased to notice that the relevance we
always attached to cooperation in the area of statistics
continues to have a positive impact on recipient
The fact that all the actions undertaken in this first year
of implementation reached their purpose
demonstrates the receptivity and interest that
countries have in the program , allowing for the
consolidation of their statistical capacity in the
various intervention domains (institutional support;
geoinformation; consumer price indices and short-
term indicators; economic statistics and national
As such, it seems to me that the overall goal of the
program is on track and that we are moving positively
towards the modernization and institutional
strengthening of the national statistical systems of the
PALOP and Timor-Leste.
Entrevista com a Dr.ª Ana Paula Laborinho
Interview to Mrs. Ana Paula Laborinho
O objetivo do programa está a ser
cumprido e estamos a caminhar
positivamente no processo de
modernização e reforço institucional
dos SEN dos PALOP e Timor-Leste.
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