COOPSTAT n.º7, julho 2012-março 2013 - page 12

of the objectives pursued by Portuguese development
There is also a change in the development assistance
architecture, with new players emerging in the
international scene, presenting new challenges and
promoting different dynamics in the relations between
states. This international outlook is, in turn, more
complex, clearly featuring a growing interconnection
between development and global issues, which
require close scrutiny and analysis allowing Portugal to
define its strategic position.
We recognize the need to fulfill the commitments
made under the Busan Partnership for Effective
Development Cooperation, which at the national level
should continue to promote, among others:
(a) Ownership and leadership of partner countries in
their own development process, investing in
capacity building actions;
(b) Reduction of the Portuguese cooperation system
fragmentation and greater complementarity with
other donors, relying on the establishment of
innovative partnerships, such as delegated
cooperationand triangular cooperation;
(c) Greater predictability of aid, investing on multi-
annual programming of cooperation activities and
reviewof budget planning instruments;
(d) Greater availability and transparency of
information on cooperation policies, strategies and
(e) Strengthening the monitoring and
evaluation mechanisms of Portuguese
cooperation, which is essential for dialogue
with all development stakeholders as well
as for accountability and mutual
Entrevista com a Dr.ª Ana Paula Laborinho
Interview to Mrs. Ana Paula Laborinho
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