COOPSTAT n.º10, janeiro - julho 2014 - page 15

Outros países terceiros
Other third countries
O principal papel do mentor, sendo o mais experiente dos dois, não é apenas o de facultar ao estagiário um maior
nível de conhecimento técnico, mas também transmitir novas competências que permitam a resolução mais eficaz
de problemas que, por sua vez, contribuempara o sucesso futuro do estagiário e ajudam-no a alcançar uma carreira
de sucesso.
Within the last year, this was the second technical traineeship from an eastern European country. The experience
gained in the first time round has provided me with a better understanding of the cultural differences and led me to
adjusting the training programtomeet the needs of the candidate.
Right from the start, the trainee is evaluated according to his technical background as to establish the best approach
in order to achieve the proposed objectives.
So far, themain feedbackwe receive fromour trainees is the surprise they feel when they realize the dimension of our
infrastructure and IT telecommunications implemented locally and countrywide.
We use a wide range of the latest IT technology, varying from high end routers, core switches, VoIP, fiber optics, to
high definition (HD) video conference equipment.
During the entire training period, feedback from the trainee is essential, as this gives us the guidance to correct,
prevent and solve potential problems being these of technical nature or otherwise.
The primary role of the mentor, being the more experienced of the two, is not only to provide the trainee with higher
level of technical expertise but also to impart new skills which will enable more effective problem solving and in turn
contribute to the trainee's future success and help achieve a successful career.
Humberto Correia
Visita de Delegação Russa
Visit of Russian Delegation
O Departamento de Estatísticas Económicas do INE
participou na visita efetuada ao Banco de Portugal,
de 31 março a 2 abril, por uma delegação da Rússia.
Esta visita teve como objetivo a partilha da
experiência de Portugal na Informação Empresarial
The Economic Statistics Department from Statistics
Portugal participated in the visit to the Bank of
Portugal of a Russian delegation, from 31st March
to 2nd April. The aim of this visit was to share the
experience of Portugal in the field of Simplified
Business Information.
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