Outros países terceiros
Other third countries
Durante este estágio de cinco meses trabalhei na área
de desenvolvimento de aplicações para dispositivos
móveis. Aprendi muito na área de desenvolvimento de
android, bem como no desenvolvimento de aplicações
multiplataforma usando o
Durante este período, o meu mentor e outros colegas
ajudaram-me muito, tanto profissionalmente como
educacionalmente. Ajudaram-me sempre que precisei
e foi um grande prazer trabalhar com eles. Foi ótimo
poder trabalhar numambiente tão bom.
Estou muito grato pela oportunidade de trabalhar no
INE de Portugal e estou confiante que serei capaz de
implementar todos os conhecimentos que adquiri no
Instituto de Estatística da Sérvia.
Tenho a certeza de que, para alémdo desenvolvimento
profissional, fiz novos amigos e é com tristeza que lhes
digo adeus.
Obrigado a todos.
When I found out that I was chosen for this traineeship,
I was looking forward to new experiences, both
professional and the chance to learn about a new
country and a new culture. However I did not expect
such a deep impact on my professional experience and
experience in human relationship. I think I cannot
emphasize enough how much this experience is
valuable to me and I am confident that I will be able to
use the knowledge gained in future work at Institute of
Statistics in Serbia.
During these five months of traineeship, I worked in the
area of development applications for mobile devices. I
learned a lot in the area of android development as well
as development of multi-platform applications using
During this period, my mentor and other colleagues
from the office helped me very much both
professionally and collegially. They helped me every
time I needed help and it was my great pleasure towork
with them. It was great to be able to work in such good
I am very grateful for the opportunity to work at INE
Portugal and I am confident that I will be able to
implement all I have learnt at Institute of Statistics in
I am sure that, in addition to professional development,
I gained new friends and with sadness, I say goodbye to
Thank you all.
Dusan Vukovic
Serviço de Estatística da República da Sérvia
Statistical office of the Republic of Serbia